Monday, March 11, 2013


By Remi Dairo.


Complements of the season! This week we would be looking at how career goal can affect your productivity in 2013. Here are 3 things to note to have a swell time in your career this year:

Vision Clarified: What kind of career do you desire in 2013! To some, moving into a new career, to others changing their level on the career ladder is the main thing! Friend, write it down! What exactly would you desire as the best career for you in the new year? Clarity enhances productivity! Remember,you can not feature in the future you can not exactly picture!

Action Clarified: After you have written down the desired picture of your career future in 2013, you need to write out action steps to make it a reality! Taking a new course, writing a new CV, meeting new people, enhancing a new skill can be some of the actions to be taken in achieving your goals! You need to break your goals to specific action steps that would bring about change and productivity in 2013.

Challenges Identified: You need to identify the things that could stop you in making your career goal a reality! To some money can set a limit, to other skills and certification is the problem others their personal attitude is it. You need to identify yours and put beside each things you would do to make your goals happen or how you would work around it! Nothing can stop you if you don't stop yourself!

As you go out this week, write down your 2013 goals on paper! What is written is superior to what you are thinking! The remaining part of this year can change your life if you write your goals down!

Get a copy of your PRODUCTIVITY PLUS a goal setting planner for 2013. It costs $30 only or NGN4,500.
 If you are interested PING me on my blackberry also 212C7FDC, it would be sent to you!

Thank you!

Remi Dairo

(Your Life & Productivity Coach)

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